Thursday 19 June 2014

Cant someone else do it?

Hi All
I know it's been a few weeks between drinks... I feel like a guy in the circus twirling plates on sticks. And for some strange reason I am not wanting any of the plates to fall.... strange because these are all arty projects which I am not obligated to do.... but since I have the idea (and it's good) I can't let it get away.

This week though, I am taking a small break from the blog because someone else has done it for me....specifically the all mighty Hoardax over at Hoard World blog has done an awesome spot light on all the toys I have released to date through my Huggingtons Twisted Toys brand....(Henceforth known as the Huggington 3).
Hoardax making me look good!

Please check out the links below for a review on the Pincer MD mini figure,  the Savage Bobby Pin and the brand new Franken Trooper.

HOARDAX has made my little pieces of resin look spectacular and I thought it only right to share it.

I must also take a moment to express my gratitude to Hoardax for taking the time and dedicating the blog space to my work. The Australian independent toy scene is somewhat small (as far as I can see) and its tough to create an idea without being able to bounce it off someone who really digs the artform.So its cool to know I have local fans who really dig the pieces I make and are eager for more.
I will try not to disappoint!

Thanks for reading!

Monday 2 June 2014

Stay Dead Knuckle Dusters Pt 2.

Last time I talked about the making of 2 pairs of knuckle Dusters for an upcoming Zombie Apocalypse (Art Show). This week, in part 2, I will have a look at the bigger picture, The art show that inspired the art.

There is something to be said about a gallery opening where you have work showing. Group shows are fun because I only have to put in the work that I CAN do and I am not responsible for filling a large amount of wall space with work.

A little too real!
Walking into Artboys Galleries “Zombie Apocalypse” was unlike any other show I had been to before. Mainly for the fact they had a cage of zombies in the window, snarling and clawing at you as you walked in. I can only imagine what unsuspecting passer bys would have thought that night.

Brilliant Sign by Tardis Guy Allan Carey
This time around I must say, without being burdened with the idea of selling my pieces, I was somewhat more relaxed. Not having to worry about if my pieces were worthy and not having to check back every 5 minutes to see if there is a magical little red dot on it!
This piece actually scanned you for infection....I failed

No this time around the night was about having lots of fun, Catching up with friends, discovering new and exciting artists and discussing upcoming projects and possible collaborations.

All in all… I came away from this night the same way I normally do. Feeling ecstatic that I have created something from a nothing idea to a physical piece but more importantly inspired but all the great art I have been exposed to. Both new and established artists continue to push the boundaries and impress..

And here we are

Thanks again to the guys at Artboy for putting on a great show and an amazing opening night.

Please swing by the Artboy page and check out photos of some of the amazing art which appeared on the night, as well as news for upcoming events!

Thanks for reading!